
Type the link to see my video about weather. Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

100% Sure?

Q: Can we ever be 100% sure of what to expect of the weather?
A: No! Of course not! Our weather equipment is accurate but it may make a mistake or two at times. Even though technology is advancing very quickly, our equipment is not quire on the spot yet. The weather can change direction, temperature, etc. without us knowing about it soon enough. 
     Have you ever turned on the news and the meteorologists would say that your city has no chance of the rain freezing the next day, then the next day it would snow really heavy? That is proof that sometimes our weather equipment isn't as dependent as we thought it was. Even though he said there was no possible chance of snow, the next day there was no way the meteorologist was correct.
     However, this answer may change in the future. With technology growing, perhaps we will be able to be 110% sure of what to be prepared for the next day. For the present day right now, the only way to be 100% sure of what to expect of the weather is to go outside and experience the weather yourself.

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